Natalia Stercul: The Republic of Moldova in the context of the 2030 Eastern Partnership scenarios


The Eastern Partnership as a regional dimension of the Eastern Neighborhood is one of the most successful initiatives that have brought positive dynamic transformations in a wider region. Moldova has essentially changed over the past decade due to excellent platform of the EaP, building a sustainable network between EU and the partner countries. The collective efforts have brought considerable benefits including to the Moldovan citizens in different areas.

The future context of the EaP countries development depends on quality of lessons learned during the last ten years and capabilities to resist challenges that lay ahead. The future scenarios for the Eastern Partnership 2030 reflect the possible ways of changes, based on the narratives of global politics transformation.

The socio-political modeling of developments in the region respectively, framed in four EaP scenarios: Pragmatic Integration, Russian Hegemony Revisited, EU Pivot to Moscow, and Civic Emancipation scenario. Therefore, there were elaborated the country-specific scenarios according to the above-mentioned set ups aimed to enhance the usefulness of scenario narratives through the political and socio-economic development paths.

*The article provides a short analyze based on the Report ”Eastern Partnership Features”,  jointly developed by Visegrad Insight, The German Marshall Fund of the United States,  also supported by the International Visegrad Fund. Over thirty analysts, journalists, policymakers, civic activists, digital community and business leaders – from the six countries of the Eastern Partnership, including our colleague Stercul Natalia, brought their value contribution to the report.

The report is available:

EaP scenarios 2030 for Moldova_Natalia Stercul

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