3rd EU – Moldova Forum: debating Moldova’s European integration progresses, challenges and prospects, Balti (Moldova), 19-20 June 2014


The project was implemented with the assistance of the Black Sea Trust for Regional
Cooperation of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and Foreign Affairs Office of
Germany. The main objective of the Forum was to take stock of Moldova’s achievements and challenges in implementing its European integration reform agenda in the run-up of signing the Association Agreement with the EU that would take place in Brussels, on 27 June 2014
https://www.facebook.com/EU.Moldova.Forum?ref_type=bookmark. The Forum was organized by APE in partnership with the Deutsch-Moldauisches Forum, Institute of Eastern Studies (ISW) from Poland and Romanian Center for European Policies (CRPE). It was attended by over 150 participants from Moldova, Germany, Poland, Spain, France, Romania, Slovakia, Russia, etc.. The special guests of the Forum were Mr. Gerd Muller, Federal Minster for Economic Cooperation of Germany, Mr. Iurie Leanca, Prime-minister of Moldova, and Mr. Igor Corman, Speaker of the Parliament of Moldova. In the framework of the Forum, Prime-minister Iurie Leanca and Minister Gerd Muller signed an Assistance Cooperation Agreement for supporting social infrastructural projects in Moldova with the budget of 17 millions EUR.