Project: “V4 Supporting Communication Strategy of Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine on implementing AA and DCFTA”: International Visegrad Fund.


The project was implemented with the support of the International Visegrad Fund. The main goal of the project is to target several areas of mutual interests between the V4 and EaP countries, Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine, including capacity building and regional cooperation by the transfer of V4 countries experience in EU integration processes via collecting best practices and lessons learned in the field of communication strategies. EaP countries facing new challenges would benefit from the experience of the V4 countries in terms of Communicating Europe in the EU pre-accession period.

The project included the following main activities:

  • Research Study based on 4 policy papers collecting and defining lessons learned and best practices in communication strategies realized in V4 countries and 3 policy papers identifying the blind spots and issues to be addressed in EaP countries;
  • Workshops time –frame 2 hours 15 participants in Kyiv, Chisinau, Tbilisi;
  • One press-club, presentation of the reports;
  • Final Presentation, half a day in Kyiv and Chisinau;
  • A book comprising 7 policy papers on Communicating Europe in a new security context. (in progress Romanian, English and Ukrainian version)