Project: “Training teachers/professors to prevent and eliminate discrimination in the primary schools, the high schools, colleges and universities”: Embassy of Czech Republic in Moldova.


The project was implemented with the support of the Embassy of Czech Republic in Moldova. Its main goal was to train teachers/professors to raise pupils and student awareness on the need to prevent and combat discrimination phenomenon, as well as helping the Moldovan education institutions to enhance their capacities to prevent, identify, report and combat discrimination cases. The project is based on recommendations expressed by the local authorities during the implementation of the project “Enhancing the role of local authorities in implementing the Law on Ensuring Equality (Anti-discrimination Law)” (01.05.2016- 30.10.2016) that was implemented by APE and the National Council for preventing & combating discrimination, and ensuring equality of the Republic of Moldova with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic to the Republic of Moldova.

The project includes the following main activities:

  • One day anti discrimination trainings for teachers in 10 regional centers (cities) of Moldova;
  • Two TV online programs to inform public about the project objectives, activities and results;
  • Articles/interviews/reports about the project objectives, activities published/broadcasted in/by the national and or regional media;
  • Recommendations to enhance antidiscrimination capacities in the Moldovan education institution at all levels.

The present project was implemented with the support and coordination from the part of the Ministry of Education. It allowed us to target one of the most sensitive layers of the society and reveal problems regarding discrimination in the educational system.