Monday, October 28, 2024

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Valeriu Pasa, director of the WatchDog Community: “The highest risk that I see is the low or insufficient turnout to validate the referendum” 2. Madalin Necsutu, journalist with TVR Moldova: “How...

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Cristina Ciubotaru, anti-corruption expert: The problem of judicial vetting - it is not independent from politics and does not inspire confidence 2. Editorial by Madalin Necsutu, journalist with the Balkan Insight...

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Interview with Marin Gherman, political analyst: It’s hard to build a logistics for the reconstruction works in Ukraine because missiles can fall and destroy everything you’ve built 2. Analysis of Brian...

Newsletter, June 2024

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: Dragoș Tudorache, former MEP: Moldova must dare to come up with solutions and proposals as creative as possible in its negotiations’ approach with the EU Mădălin Necșuțu, jurnalist TVR Moldova:...

Newsletter, May 2024

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: Cornelia Cozonac, director of CIJM: There is a risk of setting a dangerous precedent, and if the government changes, these tools will work against independent media Igor Munteanu, chairman CUB:...

Newsletter, April 2024

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: Panel II of the Reintegration Forum: It is difficult to talk about the Transnistrian settlement without talking about peace in Ukraine Panel II of the Reintegration Forum: Moscow will consider...

Newsletter, March 2024

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Nerijus Maliukevicius, Lithuanian expert in international relations and combating disinformation: New media, artificial intelligence, and social networks are also used as toolboxes for malign information operations 2. Editorial by Denis Cenusa,...

Newsletter, February 2024

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Liliana Nicolescu-Onofrei, PAS deputy: All political forces must understand and get mobilized for the referendum 2. Editorial by Madalin Necsutu, journalist with Balkan Insight: The referendum: between political monopoly on the...

Newsletter, January 2024

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Oleg Serebrian, Vice Prime Minister for Reintegration: The money from taxes on the Transnistria goods will be spent on the Transnistrian region anyway 2. Editorial by Madalin Necsutu, journalist Balkan Insight:...

Newsletter, December 2023

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Collective expert interview: The justice chapter should be a priority, together with the security, political, social and economic issues 2. Editorial by Lina Griu, foreign policy expert: EU enlargement: security solution...

Newsletter, November 2023

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Nicu Popescu, Moldovan foreign minister: Justice, justice, justice! This is the priority of our society, but also in our dialogue with the EU 2. Editorial by Denis Cenusa, associate expert to...

Newsletter, October 2023

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Oazu Nantoi, MP, PAS: I have not seen the government in Chisinau to initiate coherent projects or policies that would lead to the reintegration of people from Transnistria 2. Editorial, Irina...

Newsletter, September 2023

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Victor Parlicov, minister of Energy: When we have three energy connections with Romania, we will have a completely different level of security 2. Editorial by Mădălin Necșuți, journalist with TVR Moldova...

Newsletter July, 2023

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Burcu San, NATO Deputy Assistant Secretary General for Operations: Moldova is in the “driver’s seat” in the relationship with NATO and we are ready to help in any way it...

Newsletter, June 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Olga Roșca, presidential adviser: “The Republic of Moldova demonstrated administrative capacity at the CPE summit, which indicates that we also have administrative capacity for EU accession” 2. Editorial by Lina Grâu,...

Newsletter, April 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Olesea Stamate, MP: The dialogue in the judiciary is intentionally jammed, those who want to prevent the reform are trying to block it 2. Editorial by Mariana Rata, investigative journalist, TV8:...

Newsletter, March 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Oazu Nantoi, PAS MP: The ‘5+2’ pentalateral format of the Transnistrian settlement is outdated, during its existence we only saw unilateral concessions of the right bank 2. Editorial by Lina Grau,...

Newsletter, February 2023

THEMES OF THE EDITION: 1. Retired general of the Romanian Army, Virgil Balaceanu: "It is important that the financial resources be directed towards the equipment that is paramount for the defence battle" 2. Editorial, Mihai Isac,...

Newsletter, December 2022

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Moldovan European Integration Forum 2022 2. Panel I: Moldova’s EU candidate status: maximizing existing opportunities and moving towards full integration: priorities and perspectives 3. Panel II: Justice System Reform and Fighting against...

Newsletter, November 2022

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Vasile Grădinaru, PAS deputy: “The uncertainty of the position that the citizens on the left bank of the Dniester may take prevents Russians from using the scenario of closing the...