vineri, februarie 7, 2025

Evoluția Politicii Externe a Republicii Moldova (1998-2008)

Asociația pentru Politică Externă (APE) în parteneriat cu Fundația Friedrich Ebert, și-a propus să întreprindă o trecere în revistă a marilor teme ale politicii externe ale Republicii Moldova în perioada 1998-2008.

The „Humanitarian Dimension” of Russian Foreign Policy toward Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine and the Baltic...

This book is work of six think tanks from Baltic States, Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. Centre for East European Policy Studies (Latvia) had a leading role in the implementation of this research project. Contributors include the International Centre for Defence Studies (Estonia), the Centre for Geopolitical Studies (Lithuania), the School for Policy Analysis at the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (Ukraine), the Foreign Policy Association of Moldova (Moldova), and the International Centre for Geopolitical Studies (Georgia).

Moldovas Uncertain Future, Europe Report N°175, 17 August 2006

Moldovas Uncertain Future, Europe Report N°175, 17 August 2006

Moldova: Regional Tensions over Transdniestria. Report Nº157

To access this report please click here.EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONSResolving the Trandniestrian secessionist dispute in Moldova is vital to remove a potential source of chaos on the periphery of the expanding European Union, to implement an important part of the post-Cold War settlement, and to