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Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.7 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Moldova seen by European partners one year since the signing of the Associaton Agreement. Stefan Meister: It’s a frustraton, but at...

The EU and Moldova: How to Liberate a Captured State

BUCHAREST— Local elections in Moldova this weekend have strengthened the position of the incumbent government, despite allegations of corruption on a massive scale. Earlier...

Victor Chirila on Moldova and Its Participation in the Eastern Partnership

Moldova and Its Participation in the Eastern Partnership (Video)  

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.6 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The EU Eastern Neighbourhood – where to? Victor Chirilă: Republic of Moldova has benefted greatly from the EU offers coming...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.5 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. „The EU and the East in 2030”. A new FES report is trying to antcipate possible developments in future relatons...

Victor Chirila: Moldova is not ready to reintegrate Transnistrian region

Moldova is totally unprepared for the reintegration of the Transnistrian region. Realities show the launch of the political negotiations on the special legal status...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.4 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Unprecedented decrease in the support for the European integraton. The causes and consequences analysed by the director of the Public...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.3 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Re-launching of the Chisinau-Tiraspol dialogue. Victor Osipov: Discussions at all levels must be resumed, but the Transnistrian conflict setlement is...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.2 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. The minority government in Chisinau established with the vote of the Party of Communists. Ex-Prime-Minister Iurie Leanca quits PLDM and...

Project: Enhancing the role of local authorities, regional civil society and mass-media in implementing...

The project has been implemented with the assistance of the Embassy of Finland to the Republic of Moldova. The key goal of the project...

3rd EU – Moldova Forum: debating Moldova’s European integration progresses, challenges and prospects, Balti...

The project was implemented with the assistance of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation of the German Marshall Fund of the United States and...

Project:Moldova realities check – Study visit to Moldova & Transnistrian region for the EU...

Moldova realities check – Study visit to Moldova & Transnistrian region for the EU and US experts: January - May 2014 The project was implemented with...

Project: Strengthening civil society partnership between both banks of Nistru River through implementing joint...

Strengthening civil society partnership between both banks of Nistru River through implementing joint research projects: January – May 2014 The project was implemented with the assistance...

Project: European integration and Foreign Policy Dialogues

The project has been implemented with the support of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Moldova. Its main goal is to bring Moldovan foreign policy issues...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.1 (2015)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Minority coaliton in Chisinau. Victor Chirilă, executve director of the Foreign Policy Associaton: A minority government can be blackmailed and...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.11 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. 2014 - The first steps on the long road towards the European integration. Nicu Popescu: In 2014, Moldova dropped the...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.10 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. What expectations from the parliamentary elections did the Moldovan diaspora have? Ana Păun, president of the “Casa Mare” Associaton, Italy:...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.9 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Parliamentary electons in the Republic of Moldova. Sergiu Ostaf, executive director of the Resource Center for Human Rights (CREDO): We...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.8 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. MACRO Conference 2014 at its second editon. The director of the Expert-Grup, Adrian Lupușor: The state of the country report...

Synthesis and Foreign Policy Debates, BIMONTHLY BULLETIN, APE/FES, Newsletter, NR.7 (2014)

TOPICS OF THE EDITION: 1. Annual European Integraton Debate Forum at its second editon. The frst achievements and challenges in the implementaton of the Associaton...