Saturday, February 8, 2025

Victor Chirila: European integration can become a process with no end result

The European integration of Moldova can turn into a process without an end result owing to a number of internal and external developments, considers the executive director of the Foreign Policy Association (APE) Victor...

Interaction with Romania is a solution for hastening Moldova’s integration into EU, APE

The Republic of Moldova needs a new realistic, ambitious and long-term European integration view and the interaction with the neighboring Romania in a number of areas is the best solution for securing the country’s...

APE supports strengthening of institutional capacities in non-discrimination sector

The Foreign Policy Association (APE), in partnership with the Council for the Prevention and Elimination of Discrimination and Gender Equality, aims to assist the employees of the Ministry of the Interior and its subdivisions...

Moldova’s reunification will be possible only by broad compromise, declaration

(Română) Reglementarea conflictului transnistrean va fi posibilă doar prin găsirea unui compromis dintre toți participanții la procesul de negocieri în formatul 5+2, inclusiv cu Rusia. Doar Chișinăul și Tiraspolul nu vor reuși să ajungă la compromis. Declarația a fost făcută de Victor Chirilă, directorul executiv al Asociației pentru Politică Externă, în cadrul unui club de presă APE la IPN, la care a fost prezentat raportul „Reglementarea Transnistreană în Impas”.

Victor Chirila: Moldova is not ready to reintegrate Transnistrian region

Moldova is totally unprepared for the reintegration of the Transnistrian region. Realities show the launch of the political negotiations on the special legal status of the region is unclear and even risky. Not only...

Some ministers of Leanca Government should be kept, opinions. Info Prim Neo.05.12.2014.

Some of the ministers who worked efficiently in the Leanca Government should be offered a post in the future Cabinet too so as to be able to continue the initiated reforms. Such opinions were presented in the program Moldova live” on the public TV channel Moldova 1, IPN reports.

Chisinau does not expect negative reactions from EU member states over visas.The minister Natalia...

Chisinau does not expect negative reactions from any of the EU member states as regards the proposal to abolish the visa regime for Moldovans, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affair and European Integration Natalia Gherman said in an interview for Radio Free Europe, IPN reports.


At the Eastern Partnership Summit in Vilnius [November 28-29], the European Commission will propose to cancel visa regime for Moldova citizens traveling to Europe, President of the European Commission Jose Manuel Durao Barroso stated at a news conference in Brussels on Friday.

Signing of two bilateral agreements will bring Moldova closer to EU, Schuebel. Info-Prim...

If the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Agreement and the Association Agreement are signed at the summit in Vilnius, from political viewpoint this will bring Moldova closer to the European Union, the Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova Dirk Schuebel said in an interview for Radio Free Europe.

Reformation process in Moldova can be faster than now, European official. Info-Prim Neo. 04.02.2013.

The reformation process in Moldova can be faster than now, considers the Head of the EU Delegation to Moldova DirkSchuebel. In an interview for Radio Free Europe, the ambassador said he hopes very much that the debates inside the Alliance for European Integration will not hamper the continuation of reforms and their implementation can be even accelerated.

Corneliu Gurin: Authorities must show political will in promoting reforms. Info-Prim Neo. 30.10.2012.

Moldovan authorities are progressing well in applying the action Plan regarding the liberalization of the visa regime with the European Union, yet there are some debts. The authorities must show political will and capacities in promoting reforms, underlines Corneliu Gurin, legal expert at the Association for Participative Democracy ADEPT.

Victor Chirila: Moldova should overcome a number of obstacles impeding UE integrations. Info-Prim Neo....

While Moldova's objective to join the European Union one day is realistic, our country has to overcome a number of obstacles and challenges that could impede its achievement. This opinion was voiced at the EU-Moldova Forum in Berlin, and discussed on Monday in Chisinau at a Press Club meeting of the Foreign Policy Association.

Nicu Popescu: Russia ‘less concerned’ about EU’s Eastern Partnership. News.Az . 21.02.2012.

Nicu Popescu, head the Russia and Wider Europe Programme at the European Council on Foreign Relations.

APE recommends working out strategy for improving situation of diaspora. Info-Prim Neo. 18.10.2011.

The Foreign Policy Association (APE) suggests working out a strategy for supporting the Moldovan diaspora, which would set out the principles, objectives and the main course of action and would complexly and integrally tackle the problems faced by the Moldovans living abroad.

Martin Sieg: EU can make a surprise to Moldova. Info-Prim Neo. 10.10.2011.

Moldova should not exclude a surprise on the part of the European Union as regards the liberalization of the visa regime because the official Brussels consider the Republic of Moldova makes quick progress in implementing the agreed plan of action, German independent expert Martin Sieg said in a meeting of the Press Club of the Foreign Policy Association.

Victor Chirila: Moldova is still in danger 20 years after proclaiming its independence. Info-Prim...

Twenty years after becoming independent, Moldovas independence, sovereignty and democracy are still in danger. The threats have not been removed from the countrys agenda. They continue to be powerful and can influence the internal and foreign policy course, Victor Chirila, executive director of the Foreign Policy Association (APE), said in a meeting of the Associations Press Club.

Victor Chirila, Valeriu Gheorghiu, Bogumil Luft: Warsaw summit regarded with hope in Chisinau. Info-Prim...

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration and civil society look with great hope at the Eastern Partnership summit that will take place in Poland in September.

Official dialogue on Transnistrian dispute will not be successful without consensus on talks outcome....

There are preconditions for the official Transnistrian conflict settlement talks in the 5+2 format to be resumed in Moscow in June, executive director of the Foreign Policy Association (APE) Victor Chirila said Tuesday. According to him, the foreign partners of the official Chisinau should find levers to make Tiraspol return to the negotiating table and accept that the granting of a special legal status to the Transnistrian region within Moldova is the only possible outcome of the talks.